Fishing Report 30th May 2019
Photo: Terry Prain with a solid fish from Copeton
Lure of the week
The DRUNKEN MULLET combines the best attributes to create multiple actions that fish can’t resist.
On the slow retrieve the DRUNKEN MULLET looks like an exhausted fish on its last legs or like its just consumed a bottle of rum staggering home from the pub. The unbalanced ‘Pop Tail’ and body segments combine to give it that unique dying/drunk action that will remind you of last Saturday night.
As you retrieve it faster the body will turn on its side and the tail will give off that famous slapping noise that fish absolutely love
Cooby and Creesbrook
Remains closed
Leslie Dam
Similar fishing continues at Leslie with the smaller fish dominating the bite around the edges. Most land based anglers or people fishing close to the edges have been catching large numbers of small Yellowbelly and silver perch mostly on Saltwater Yabbies while the lure angler has been using ZX blades with a fast wind retrieve. The odd bigger fish that has been caught has been out in the deeper water in the old creek bed locating them on you fish finder and again Yabbies or ZX blades.
Somerset Dam
Very hit and miss on the lake over the last few weeks, as the fish start to get into there winter patterns in can be a very tough time for some anglers struggling to catch or even find fish. With the fish being very tight to the bottom vertical jigging blades and ice jigs have been the most productive technique
Wivenhoe Dam
This lake has fished well over the last few weeks and continues to step it up, Fishing the shallower weeded banks with Jerkbaits or silent Lipless Crankbaits has been very successful during the early part of the day, as the day gets on catching these fish is still very possible, locating fish on the edge of the creek bed off the flats has bee the stand out, targeting these fish with Spoons and Tailspinners have been the lure of choice.
Moogerah Dam
Another one of our local fisheries that fishes well during winter, the bass are schooled up on the main lake points throughout the lake, casting Spoons and 1/2 Plastics to these fish have proved to be Dominant.
Copeton Dam
With all the talk of cod around Copeton is again the most popular destination for keen cod anglers with the big fish continuing to be landed at the lake. With the cooler weather the early mornings have been the best bite time by far fishing up in the shallow bays with Swimbaits and surface lures this has been a crazy way to catch Metre plus cod and this is the draw card for this lake. This lake has produced cod year round but the coming weeks look exceptional as the Environmental water releases come to a stop.
Moreton Bay
A lot of the year Moreton bay can be a lot of hard work and very little fun but winter is the exception with good sized snapper and whiting around the islands, Fishing mud and peel island using soft plastics or pilchards around the drop offs where the reefy bottom drops into around 20ft of water. For these overfished areas early morning and late afternoon sees the best bite times although good fish can be caught all day.