Fishing Report 25th June 2020
Photo: David Mcdonald with a cracking Glenlyon fish, this one caught on a Bassman Big Laker!
Lure of the week

Bassman Big Laker
The Bassman Big Laker is a Beefed up version of the Codman. With larger skirt thicker tassles and a large colorado blade. 5 colours to pick from. Ideal for those Giant Murray Cod.
Find them here: https://www.fishnbits.com.au/products/bassman-biglaker?variant=34746393821350
Cooby Dam
Still closed due a Blue Green Algae
Cressbrook Dam
Always has been quite a challenging lake and this week has proved no different, the fish are very spread out in the main basin and very tight lipped. The larger points in the main basin are holding good numbers of fish, fishing soft plastics and spoons have accounted for the larger fish, with even more cold weather settling in casting suspending Jerkbaits like the Jackall squirrel around the weeded edges is always another great alternative to catching these fish.
Somerset this week has produced some quality fish just not in big numbers, the Kirkliegh flats and the top of queen street are holding the majority of fish, Plastics, Spoons and Tailspinners have been the pick of the lures for the casting anglers. Keeping your lure tight to the bottom is key to getting a reaction from these shut down fish.